
How To Put On A Hair Turban

On average, American women spend half-dozen days a year doing their hair. Plus, they spend around 1.v hours a calendar week on blowdrying.

Are you one of these women? And so surely you have meliorate things to do with your time.

One way to make better apply of your time is to use a hair turban. This allows you to not only dry your pilus faster but to also multitask better.

Are you interested in using a hair turban but have no clue how to utilise one? And so no worries! Keep reading, as we'll give you a helpful hair turban tutorial so you can tie upwardly your pilus in confidence.

About Hair Turbans

You may be thinking: why should I utilise hair turbans when I already have a shower towel to use?

Well, for one, do you find your neck in pain whenever you wrap your hair up afterward your shower? The big, heavy towel can put unnecessary strain on your cervix and shoulders.

Also, because it doesn't have any elastic parts to it, your shower towel may eventually skid downwardly over your forehead and eyes. This tin brand it extremely abrasive when yous're doing your skincare routine or putting makeup on. Having to continuously gear up and redo your towel can be a real hurting.

Lastly, hair turbans are fabricated especially for drying your hair rapidly. Regular shower towels may have good wicking abilities, just they're not fantastic for wet hair. Pilus turbans are unremarkably made with microfibers and so it tin cut your drying time significantly.

Because of all these smashing features, pilus turbans are bully for both adults and children alike! Plus, with all the exciting colors and designs, information technology tin can be a fun way for your family unit to dry out your hair together.

Turban Tutorial

How to Use a Hair Turban

Now that you know a little bit well-nigh why you should choose pilus turbans over your regular shower towels, we tin can motility onto how to use these things!

Secure the Hair Turban

accept your hair turban and place it over the back of your head. There'south a right orientation for information technology to wrap your hair properly; you'll have to locate the elastic loop and place information technology correct where your neck is. You may have to reposition the hair turban to do this.

This step might be easier if yous bend over and have your pilus hang over your neck toward the front. That fashion, the next steps are easier to do.

Twist the Hair Turban

Now that you've secured the hair turban, it's time to twist your hair up into it. If y'all usually put your hair upwards in a shower towel, and so this should be the aforementioned thing y'all'd usually do.

In one case y'all're washed twisting all your hair into the pilus turban, stand up straight and pull the twisted part onto the height of your head.

Loop the Hair Turban

Use one hand (preferably your dominant i) to agree the twisted part of the hair turban in identify. With your other hand, find the elastic band at the back.

Pull the tail terminate of the twisted function of the hair turban through the elastic ring, and you lot're done! This should deeply hold your hair in place while y'all go well-nigh with your other tasks.

How to Take the Hair Turban Off

When you're washed with your other tasks and/or you feel your hair is dry enough, you'll want to take your hair turban off. It'll be super easy to practice so!

Locate the twisted part of the hair turban right before it goes into the rubberband band. Go a firm grip on information technology, so pull gently to release your hair from the turban.

You'll desire to leave the pilus turban somewhere where it has enough of air and space to lay flat. That manner, it can dry out properly.

Make Sure to Launder Your Hair Turban Properly

Just similar with your shower towels, you lot're going to want to keep your pilus turban clean.

Even though you're putting clean pilus into it, the turban is still bound to gather dust and other things floating about in the air. Plus, the moisture left behind can cause odors. For this reason, we recommend washing your hair turban afterward every few uses.

Because your pilus turban may exist fabricated of microfiber, you'll want to wash information technology separately from the rest of your laundry. This is considering any fabric softeners used will clog the absorbency of your towel. As a result, it'll lose its great wicking properties.

And so make certain you wash your hair turban separately if it'due south fabricated of microfiber. And don't utilise fabric softener either!

As well, you'll demand to dry your turban on its own. While your apparel might do fine on high heat, your pilus turban won't. So when you toss it into the dryer, make sure you put it on a low heat setting.

You tin can too air dry it if you wish. Simply make sure you leave information technology in a well-ventilated area. If it'due south non properly aired out, your hair turban may remain damp, which can create unpleasant and unwanted odors.

Use This Pilus Turban Tutorial for Improve Pilus Care

By using this hair turban tutorial, non only volition y'all exist able to necktie a hair turban better, but you'll also take better care of your hair. When you're not ripping out random pieces of hair or putting unnecessary stress on it, the result is a caput full of beautiful, healthy locks!

Are you looking to purchase a new hair turban? Then accept a look at our Turbie Twists. We have a variety of colors and prints so y'all tin wait stylish while drying your hair!


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