
How Long Do I Wait After Setting Up The Tank To Put Fish In It?

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With that out of the fashion.

Imagine you lot're abruptly taken from your home and your family/friends by a stranger.

That's bad enough.

At present imagine you're taken to a mysterious location and dropped off to start your new life with no time to procedure what's happening.

Needless to say, this would be more than than a tiny bit stressful for anyone, and information technology's no different for a fish.

When starting an aquarium, the first thing you need to know is how to properly innovate new fish to a new tank while causing as little stress as possible.

Ultimately, stressed-out fish are unhealthy fish. Not only that, but the improper ph, chlorine level, or nitrogen level can really impale them.

With a little know-how, the good news is that introducing your fish to a tank can exist a pretty painless feel for them.

Quick Picks: Neat Products To Help Cycle Your Tank

  • Seachem Stability Fish Tank Stabilizer
  • Hagen Fluval Biological Enhancer/Booster for Aquariums
  • DrTim's Aquatics One & But Live Nitrifying Leaner for Cycling Aquariums

Or, read our total article on some of the best nitrifying leaner products that you could use in your aquarium.


  • Quick Picks: Bang-up Products To Help Cycle Your Tank
  • How To Bicycle A Tank In 24 Hours – Infographic
  • Tank Preparation
  • Before You Add Fish In a Tank, Exam the Water
  • Give Friendly Bacteria Time to Brand Themselves at Habitation
    • How long does it take for bacteria to establish themselves?
    • How do you lot know when your tank is ready for fish?
  • And Finally, The Fish!
  • How Long Should You Wait Before Putting Fish In A New Tank?
  • Recommended Products To Help Bike Your Tank

Hither is a fun infographic to assist brand sense of it all.

How To Wheel A Tank In 24 Hours – Infographic

Infographic - How long to wait before putting fish in new tank.
Infographic – How long to wait before putting fish in new tank.

Farther Reading: If It'due south Your Offset Time Cycling A Tank Exist Sure To Read Our Guide On How To Bicycle Your Aquarium.

Aquarium Maintenance Monthly Checklist

Here are our top tips!

Tank Preparation

Before you even head to the store to purchase your new fish, there are some steps you tin take at abode to ensure a safe haven awaiting your new pal.

Step one: Brand sure your tank is the proper size! As well small a tank tin can lead to a very stressed-out fish.

Step 2: Wash the gravel and any new decorative objects that will be added to the new aquarium. It's of import to wash these with warm water simply, as soap and detergents can be toxic to your fish.

Pace 3: Make full your tank ane-third of the way total of room temperature water from the tap. From here, you'll demand to add a de-chlorinator and h2o conditioner or something similar API Stress Coat to ensure the tap water is treated for fish.

Step 4: Add your plants. These are the 10 best freshwater plants for a beginner aquarium!

Pace v: Connect your filter and brainstorm to pump the water through. This will ensure freshwater is flowing and developing beneficial bacteria earlier your fish gets to its new domicile.

Now at this point, y'all may be wondering.

Tin can you lot add fish to a new tank correct away?

And if you're paying attending to this article, the reply is no. The most important step of the process comes adjacent, and in all honesty, it's a very boring process.

Let's continue;

Step 6: Wait for the nitrogen bicycle to finish.

Yup, that's it; you need to wait, and once it'due south washed, your tank is now ready to go!

Before we go on, I want to note that there are means to cycle a tank in 24 hours, but I'm non roofing those options in this article, simply I'll give you a freebie.

The fastest way to bicycle your tank would be to accept some bio-media or sponge from an existing tank and use it in your new tank's filter. This way, you're seeding your new tank with a bunch of beneficial bacteria that tin can significantly speed up the cycle process.

You're welcome.

Before Y'all Add Fish In a Tank, Test the Water

The kickoff thing to consider is water. The water your new fish is coming from probable had a controlled ph level.

Aquarium Maintenance Monthly Checklist

Information technology's besides important to note the particular fish species you lot're dealing with and what their needs are. It's a good idea to speak with an skillful at the store before purchasing and acclimating a fish.

Test your water before calculation your fish. Y'all can do this with a conventional water tester bachelor online or at aquarium stores. Your ammonia, nitrites and nitrates, and chlorine should be as close to cipher as possible. Your ph should match where your fish is coming from (so don't forget to inquire!)

Requite Friendly Bacteria Time to Make Themselves at Home

Bacteria are your friends, and they're a fish'south friend too!

Helpful bacteria do all sorts of things in an aquarium-similar combat ammonia build-upward and recycle waste matter products.

"Cycling" a tank also allows for proper nitrogen levels to residue out as the leaner brand themselves at dwelling.

To speed this process along, at that place are a few things y'all tin do. Delight recall of this step equally feeding the bacteria their outset meal of ammonia.

You can add together a small amount of fish chip food, modest chunks of raw shrimp, or used filter media and gravel from some other established aquarium.

How long does it take for bacteria to constitute themselves?

Fifty-fifty with these tricks to speed it up, you should give your tank at least 24 hours to start building upward bacteria before calculation fish.

How do y'all know when your tank is set up for fish?

The Nitrogen Bike is considered not complete until ammonia levels are at 0, and nitrate levels stay beneath 40 ppm.

And Finally, The Fish!

When adding your fish, you lot want to treat it like a new and blossoming relationship and take it slow.

Turn off your aquarium light and make sure the temperature is appropriate for your fish species.

Lower the plastic bag yous fish came home into the water and permit it float. This allows the fish to go used to the new tank in small steps. Do this for xv-xxx minutes.

Information technology's a good idea at this point to examination the ph inside the back and compare information technology to your tank. If they're drastically unlike, this will shock your fish and could even kill them!

If the numbers are not the aforementioned, Take a measuring loving cup, add together a small (one/iv-1/2 cup) corporeality of the tank h2o into the bag, and wait at least 15 minutes. Test the ph again and see if the numbers are any closer.

When the ph has a difference of less than 0.1, you're at present ready to introduce your fish!

To do this, advisedly lift your fish with a small net out of the plastic bag and rapidly transfer it to the tank.

Note: After y'all've added your new fish to the tank yous might exist wondering when you should start feeding your fish afterwards adding them to a new tank.

How Long Should You Wait Before Putting Fish In A New Tank?

Well, it depends on how fast you lot progress through each of the steps above.

Even though this may sound like a hassle, and y'all're secretly thinking, "well, how bad could it be if I just skipped all that?"

Aquarium Maintenance Monthly Checklist

Fish are living things and are therefore highly sensitive to their environments. You take chances losing one or all of your fish in a tank if you lot don't ensure proper introduction methods and wait long enough to establish a healthy environment.

Practise yourself and your fish friends a favor and follow these tips, and you'll have a happy, healthy aquarium for years to come.

And hey — in one case yous take one salubrious aquarium, it's much easier to create another past transferring bacteria.

If you found this mail helpful, please share the image below so others can learn too. Thanks for the support.

Recommended Products To Aid Cycle Your Tank

  • Seachem Stability Fish Tank Stabilizer
  • Hagen Fluval Biological Enhancer/Booster for Aquariums
  • DrTim's Aquatics One & Just Live Nitrifying Bacteria for Cycling Aquariums

How Long Do I Wait After Setting Up The Tank To Put Fish In It?,


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